Papua New Guinea National Energy Authority

Harnessing Energy for Sustainable Development

Papua New Guinea National Energy Authority

Harnessing Energy for Sustainable Development

Papua New Guinea National Energy Authority

Harnessing Energy for Sustainable Development

NEA Act (2023 Amended)

This Act introduces amendments to the principal Act to update provisions related to licensing, fees, and administrative processes, including the preservation of license rights, application requirements, and penalty structures. For updates, contact our Legal & Compliance Division

Electrical Licensing Guidelines

The National Energy Authority (NEA) issues electrician and contractor licenses in PNG, authorizing electrical work. Nationals and expatriates are encouraged to apply. For details, contact our Technical Regulation Division.

Electricity Tariff Regulation

Stakeholders and the public are invited to participate in consultations on the proposed draft Electricity Tariff Regulation. Access the draft paper, consultation guidelines, and related documents here to learn more about this important initiative.

National Energy Sub-Sector Policies Formulation

The National Energy Authority (NEA) develops and implements sub-sector energy policies in PNG. The consultation process is complete, and a final draft will soon be ready for government endorsement. For updates, contact our Policy, Planning, and Research Division


PNG Grid Code

PNG Grid Code

PNG Grid Code The PNG Grid Code is a comprehensive set of rules and guidelines designed to ensure...

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