This Public Notice serves to inform relevant stakeholders and the general public that the National Energy Authority (‘Authority’) will conduct a series of public consultations on the proposed draft Electricity Tariff Regulation for electricity utilities. This series of public consultations on the proposed draft Electricity Tariff Regulation was approved by the NEA Board through its 4th Quarter Board Meeting dated 12th December 2024.

Evidently, the Authority was established under the provisions of the National Energy Authority Act 2021 (NEA Act) in 2021 to ensure that the national government target of connecting 70% of the households by 2030 is realised. Amongst other objectives, the Authority aims to promote efficiency and competition in the electricity supply industry, establish and enforce proper standards of safety, reliability, and quality in the electricity supply industry and protect the interests of consumers of electricity services.

As the newly established Energy Regulator, the Authority’s immediate plan is to establish systems and processes to ensure effective investor coordination and compliance with the energy laws and regulatory instruments.

Amongst other key activities that the Authority has been implementing, the proposed draft Electricity Tariff Regulation is an important instrument to ensure that the electricity tariff is set prudently and reasonably based on the principles of economics, safety of the grids, and the users of electricity services. The proposed Electricity Tariff Regulation will take precedence over the former regulatory contract issued by the Independent Consumer and Competition Commission. However, it will contain the methodology and processes to set and adjust electricity tariffs for existing and future utilities. Therefore, the Authority is releasing the proposed draft Electricity Tariff Regulation under Sections 56(1) and 56(2) of the NEA Act to seek comments and submissions from the stakeholders and general public.

The Authority would like to inform the stakeholders and general public that the consultation process on this proposed draft Electricity Tariff Regulation will follow the process outlined under the NEA’s approved Regulatory Consultation Guideline. Furthermore, the table below provides the events and tentative timeframe for the Authority to consult stakeholders and the general public commencing from Wednesday, 15th January 2025.

Electricity Tariff Regulation Public Consultation Events

Events Tentative Timeframe
NEA releases the Draft Paper and the proposed Draft Electricity Tariff Regulation for stakeholders’ comments and submissions. 15-Jan-25
Deadline for stakeholders’ comments and submissions. 14-Feb-25
Authority consolidates relevant comments/submissions. 17-Feb-25 – 07-Mar-25
Release of the Draft Report and proposed Draft Electricity Tariff Regulation. 14-Mar-25
Deadline for stakeholders’ comments and submissions to the Draft Report and proposed Draft Electricity Tariff Regulation. 18-Apr-25
Public Hearings will be held to present the Draft Report and proposed Draft Electricity Tariff Regulation. 02-May-25 (Port Moresby) 09-May-25 (Lae) 16-May-25 (Kokopo)
Submit the Final Report and Final Electricity Tariff Regulation to the NEA Board. 30-Jun-25

Note: The timeframe is subject to change.

Copies of the Draft Paper and the proposed draft Electricity Tariff Regulation can also be obtained from the NEA’s website at

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Russell Hangatt, Executive Manager for the Economic Regulation Division, on telephone number 325 3122 or email via

Authorised by:

Mr. Ronald Meketa
Managing Director