The Authority is responsible for the development of renewable energy resources through the coordination of the National Electrification Roll-Out Plan (NEROP) to achieve the Government’s goal of attaining 70% electricity access by 2030 and 100% by 2050 as expressed in the National Energy Policy 2017 – 2017, the Development Strategic Plan 2010 – 2030 and consistent with Vision 2050.


  1. a) National Energy Authority Act 2021

The National Energy Policy 2017 – 2027 gave rise to the National Energy Authority Act. The Act establishes the Authority and provides for the roles and functions of the Authority, including policy, regulatory and implementation of energy projects.


  1. b) National Energy Policy 2017 – 2027

The principal policy for the energy sector that provides the policy basis for the Government in meeting its energy targets and vision under the Vision 2050 and the National Strategic Plan. The overall objective of the National Energy Policy is to ensure affordable, competitive, sustainable, and reliable supply of energy to meet PNG’s energy needs at least cost.


  1. c) National Electrification Roll-Out Plan (NEROP)

NEROP provides the roadmap and facilitates for mechanisms to achieve the energy targets under the Vision 2050 and the development plans.


  1. d) PNG’s Vision 2050

The Vision 2050 embodies the principles of the Constitution and sets the overall direction for PNG to attain its dream to be a smart, wise, fair, healthy, and happy society. The Vision 2050 is underpinned by seven (7) pillars and sets the energy targets for PNG to be achieved by 2050.


  1. e) PNG Strategic Development Plan (2010 – 2030)

The PNGSDP reinforces the fundamental directives under the Vision 2050 and sets the mid-term targets to be achieved by 2030. For energy, the target under PNGSDP is 70% of households to have access to electricity by 2030.


  1. f) Other Legislations and Policies

             Oil and Gas Act 1998


             Environment Act 2000


             Land Act 1996


             Electricity Industry Act, Ch. 78


             Public Finances Management Act 1995


             Independent Consumer & Competition Commission Act 2002